So, this weekend my wife and I had a weekend away in Richmond, VA. We saw the show "Wicked" (great show, BTW) and stayed at The Jefferson Hotel - a great hotel over 100 years old. (Google it for the website - I don't think I can post URLs here.)

I pulled up and immediately had Deja-vu - it was like I was stepping into the Hollywood Tower Hotel! (Please do a google image search for "Jefferson Hotel" to see images inside and out. I'd link them, but I think that is prohibited.) Inside and out, it looks like the HTH would, in its heyday. (And, if it had existed...) There were places in the lobby, around the hotel, all over, where it felt like the HTH.

(Please let me know if it is ok to post images...)

So, have you ever been somewhere where you had deja-vu from some place in Disney?