My oldest son is going to be a senior in high school this fall, and he wants to be an Electrical Engineer.
He has his sights set on only 3 schools.
1. Florida Institute of Technology
2. Embry- Riddle
3. Rose-Hulman

We did a walking tour last fall of FIT, and he really liked the small campus. He is looking at just these 3 because, They are smaller schools.
A few things about my son he has Aspergers & sever anxiety, so a smaller school is exactly what he needs. He has looked at other schools, but he just doesn't want the big schools.

Does anyone have a child that has gone to any of these 3 schools?
Can you offer any advice, good or bad about them?
From a parents prospective what did you think of them?
We will be doing tours at all 3, Rose-Hulman in 2 weeks, and the other 2 in November.

Thanks for any help.