We will be heading to FL to do some college visits for my son during the first week of August. Since driving 13 hours to FL to tour colleges in the hot August sun is no fun, I thought we'd try a day in a Disney waterpark to cool off. We have 4 days left of "extras" (waterparks, etc) on our non-expiring Disney tickets that we bought 10 years ago, and have yet to visit a waterpark (Alas, our Disney park days are all used up, so we won't be heading to the parks this trip ). The only day that seems to work for our schedule is Saturday August 9th. So, are we crazy??? I know the crowds start to die down in mid-August as colleges and schools start up, but are the waterparks still a hot bed of activity for the locals at that time? Will lines for the waterpark slides be really long, and not worth the wait? Or do the waterparks start to get less busy at this time as well? And if we do decide to go, any advice on how to manage the crowds? Thanks!!!