Due to several mobility issues with both hubs and myself, in the past we got the GAC card. Some might say we abused it but really, we did not as I cannot stand for more than a few minutes and he has massive back problems. It was wonderful to have and get those privileges! Well, we were recently able to get APs again and took a quick drive to see the Mouse. We still have mobility issues (mine have improved and I no longer need a scooter every minute), as hubs' back is worse than ever. New to the DAS situation, we had to be talked through it. It began when he went in to get the card-CM-"Why do need a card?"...hubs explained. Her reply was that we didn't need one because he was able to walk into the building. Finally, he convinced her that we could not do stand-by lines all the time and she allowed him into the hallowed halls. He was photographed, etc and given a card and off we went in search of a ride. First up-Buzz Lightyear! The CM there gave us a return time and told us no sooner than 5 minutes before return time. So far, so good, we killed the time shopping. Returned to Buzz on time and got in FP line. All good...Skip to a couple hours later and we had lost track of how it all works. Went over to Under the Sea and thought the DAS was all we needed to get again into the FP line. We were abruptly and sort of rudely instructed to "Get into the Stand-by line". Nice. I don't mind being told which line to get into but do the CMs ever think, we might not know what we are supposed to do? I admit, I am a bit confused and not as excited about going on rides as before. By the way, those who say the wheelchair/scooter acts as a FP are wrong. We will learn the new system but I am hoping for a bit more patience from the CMs rather than the assumption that we have it down. All in all, we rode two rides all day.