Can't handle the bickering in our house anymore..

We are starting the "Barry Kids Be Nice Board" (A home version of Rachels Challenge that they do at school) If we see them be nice to each other, play nice together, do home work or read on their own, and if our 4 year old Josh plays on his own (not on kindle) when we ask him too, if they compliment each other, help each other... They earn stickers on the board. (Ninja turtles for Josh, Owls for Alexandra, Rainbows for Samamntha) for each 2 stickers they get a dollar to spend at Disney in January. If they see each other do something nice, that we did not see, and tell us, both the kid who did it, and the kid who commented get a kindness sticker. (Kind of reverse tattling)

Conversely there is the OOPS stickers. With Dora stickers (They all despise Dora) for each two Dora stickers they have to pick a chore from the chore jar. they get Dora stickers by bickering with each other, talking back, Making the annoying UUUHHHH sound that Shaun and I hate when they are asked to do something they don't want to do at that exact moment.

Their siblings can earn 2 nice stickers by helping them with the chore.

Lets see if this works... Remember before you comment, negative comments will earn you Dora stickers, and 2 Dora stickers mean you clean my house.
Conversely, I am not giving you cash or bringing you to Disney if you think I am brilliant, but feel free to share that as I, too, need positive reinforcement.