Wednesday, December 16
Plan for the Day
Check out ad fly home

Not much excitement today. We get up and pack. After packing is completed, we drag our checked bags over to the resort airline check in desk, check them, and head to Olivia's for some breakfast. I'm not really hungry so just order he fruit plate. Our pickup is not until 1 so we head "home" and hang out until our 11 am checkout time. We move across the street to Hospitality House and hang out there until 12;30 when we move outside to wait for our 12:50 Magical Express pickup. At 1, the bus has not yet arrived so I run to the rest room. While I am there the bus arrives. When I return, Gene tells me the driver wanted to take our bag off the bus and make us wait for the next bus as he has "a schedule to keep". Before heading to the airport, we stop at Saratoga Springs for additional pickups.

No-one on our bus tips our driver - I wonder if he was as nasty to them as he was to us??

I have pre-check status but Gene does not so we head through the regular security line. It is as it always is in Orlando airport - a disorganized mess so it take us a while to get though.

I buy sandwiches that we eat on board. We fly; we arrive home; our daughter pricks us up at the airport and returns us to our home

Disney trip over. Until next time......