Well, I am not so good on keeping up with current events. This was only brought to my attention last week, when I mentioned that we may be heading back to WDW for our (well, my) Disney Fix. Since they still haven't reinstated all of the workers they laid off for lower paid foreign "talent", I have decided to use my power as a consumer to show my displeasure. So, no Disney trip this year, or until they show that they really DO support American workers - workers who spend their hard earned dollars at their theme parks and other venues. So, no Disney themed merchandise for Christmas this year (or for however long it takes), and I will make it a point to boycott any of their televised productions too. No ABC, and since I don't have cable, none of their other products will be watched either. Awhile back, after seeing how well compensated Bob Iger was during a declining year, I divested myself of any Disney offerings (yes, I checked my ETF's and MM's to be sure).
What they did is pure and simply....wrong. My wife has even suggested that I send a letter to their corporate office to let them know that they won't be seeing us there any time soon. I don't know if that would do any good though - but I still intend to follow through.

We even had a great reason to go this year. My wife's niece just moved down there with her boyfriend after he took a position at a restaurant in EPCOT. Both of them had just finished up courses at a culinary institute and took extra courses in restaurant management. We are pretty sure that her niece would also get a job somewhere as a cast member in the food service area.

So, those of you that are just as appalled as I am that they are doing this to their staff, what do YOU plan to do? Anything?