Quote Originally Posted by nutsnbolts View Post
LOL, you're so right, the last thing i want to do is constantly plan plan plan for something. Oh the things we do for our kids. I guess the next question is and looking at all that I have reserved thus far.

4 character breakfasts (may cancel one)
1 Lunch
1 dinner
Expecting at least 2 more dinners to be booked when I get there.

Does this change the justification?
No, I think you are still better off skipping it. Breakfasts really never justify the cost of the dining plan - we've found it only pays if we are ordering the most expensive thing on the menu everywhere, and at dinner time. Especially considering that your kids are little, I don't think they'll eat enough. We did it last time and saved, but that is with teenagers and all of us being big eaters.