When I first read that DHS was going to have fireworks I thought "great, I like anything that will thin the nighttime heard at the MK."

After experiencing the fireworks at DHS last month, I have changed my mind. I was not prepared for the fact that the back half of the park would be CLOSED for 2+ hours of prep time, show time, and post-show cleanup and/or safety something-or-another. I am sure the closings were for a combination of fallout zones and minimum distance between guests and loaded shells, but good grief! The park is simply too small to be shooting fireworks if this is what it takes. When there are lots of CMs visibly patrolling these areas in orange construction vests in order to monitor pyrotechnics, something just isn't working IMHO.

So for an 8:00 show it appears to me that by 7:15 large chucks of Streets of America, The Great Movie Ride, Toy Story Mania, Voyage of the Little Mermaid, and anything else beyond the main stage (where the Hat used to be) was closed for several hours

I can't believe they close TSM for this! It was mind-boggling to me. So I assume that they are not giving out FP+ for TSM past maybe 6:15-7:15 even if the park is open until 10pm because of Star Wars fireworks!

To close my rant, I would like to know if anyone has the specifics of what actually occurs. When exactly do they halt entrance into TSM's lines, and what happens if it rains the fireworks out. I'm particularly curious as to whether or not TSM still has people exiting the ride well into the 7 o-clock hour, or if they are cutting the line off early enough to guarantee an empty building by 7:15 (which is the time I noticed the sudden lockdown of pathways).