Quote Originally Posted by MrPeetrie View Post
Perfectly said. With innovation, lost jobs due to technology lead increases job demand in another field. You can't stay static.
Not to totally derail this post, but I work in digital consulting and we were at a conference this past week where this was really the hottest topic on the floor.

Historically the "buggy whip manufacturer" idea has held fast, but the problem today is that things are evolving so quickly with the quantum leaps technology that humans are getting left behind at such a rapid pace that they can't adjust quickly enough to keep up. Entire industries are getting wiped out seemingly overnight leaving hundreds of thousands out of work with no warning. Uber did it to the taxi industry and, ironically enough, autonomous vehicles are going to do it to the Uber drivers in the next five years.

Heck even Bill Gates is calling for robots to pay taxes to help ease the transition for the folks they leave out of work.