We've taken all of our kids to Disney for their first birthdays and now I'm wanting to continue the tradition with tenth birthdays. My oldest turns 10 on 10/1/18, and we're wanting to stay for two weeks. I can't decide if we should go the last two weeks of September (which means we'd be home before her actual birthday), the last week of September and first of October, or the first two weeks of October. I know that price-wise, the last two weeks of September would be cheaper, but I hate to miss her birthday completely. I also know that October is more crowded than September, but again, it's before her actual birthday. We are a homeschool family, so school breaks don't matter.
Which would you choose? Not sure why I'm overthinking this so much, but I can't seem to make a choice and stick with it.
Or... should we "give" her the trip on her birthday and go the end of October to be there for Halloween?