
I was supposed to be at WDW September 9-16 on a solo trip, staying at BWI. Irma forced me to cancel. But now I'm trying to book a different week but there doesn't seem to be any availability at any Disney resort during any of the weeks I can go. I'm working with Magical Journeys, as I have for the past decade. They're the best, but unfortunately can't make rooms appear.

My parents have graciously offered to gift me with use of their Marriott Time Share and I'm looking at Royal Palms. Any thoughts? It would be way too much space for one person (they only have 2 bedroom units), but hey, they offered.

My biggest fear is how to get to Disney every day. I get very nervous driving in unfamiliar places and would love to avoid renting a car. With the savings I'd have on a resort, I could just Uber every day. Has anyone ever done that? Is that a crazy plan?

I'm mourning the loss of losing all my ADRs and FP+ as it is, and would hate to stay off-site being such a devotee, but I don't want to wait another 6 months before I can go again (no availability next few months and I don't want to book in Jan-Feb cause of snow up here. I canceled once for weather and don't want to again!).

Thanks all!