Quote Originally Posted by buzznwoodysmom View Post
As a guest who always drives this is exactly how I feel as well. I am paying for a service I have never used (DME), which I am certain is just hidden within the resort rates. And now I must pay to park my car which will likely never move. This one makes me pretty angry. Add the fact that visitors for dining or shopping (or parking at a resort to avoid paying parking fee at the parks) will be allowed free access to park at these resorts, and now I am growing furious.

I wonder if these resorts will guarantee parking to their overnight guests who must now pay this fee? Our first time staying at the Polynesian we came back to the resort after using our car to go to Downtown Disney and there were no empty parking spots. We drove around for at least 20 minutes, along with other cars, looking for empty spots or hoping we would catch someone leaving. Finally I got out of the car and went speak with someone at valet about the issue. The two solutions we were given were to park the car valet (and we would have to pay for it - it would not be free even given the parking lot issue) or to park our car at the TTC and walk or monorail over. I made sure that the CM was aware that we were guests staying at the Poly, not just there for dinner or shopping. I was furious that as a paying guest these were the options we were given. We ended up valeting the car because there wasn't much else we could do. I would be absolutely livid if these were the suggestions given by a CM while having to pay a $25 per night parking fee. We've also had trouble finding a spot as a visiting guest for dinner at Ohana's, and in that event we just valeted without questioning, but as a guest staying at any resort you should most definitely have access to a place to park at your resort without having to valet or park elsewhere and walk or monorail over.
Totally agree, we have had this exact same issue numerous times at the Yacht Club, Beach Club and Boardwalk. No spots available due to "Day Parkers" or large conventions and valet the only option. Once while staying at the Yacht Club I was told if there was no spot available I could park at the Beach Club and walk over. Really ??? With what they charge for the room this is outrageous !! And it was outrageous back when I WASN"T PAYING FOR PARKING !! So now I will pay and walk a mile to my hotel room ?? Never been so angry with Disney as I am right now.