Doo doo doo cha cha cha
(scary huh?)
late last night I awoke and rose to relieve stress from my blatter. I heard a little giggle and thought of "Chucky", the stress was then relieved, oops. After watching "childs Play" I remembered I was alot taller then that doll and could probably poke him with a rusty lightbulb and kill him. I had no rusty lightbulb handy so I grabbed a hammer and started to search for the bugger. I had looked everywhere except the main bathoom so I went in and turned on the lights (This is scarymovielike so I didnt wake up my mom, being the opening scene victim and all my IQ drastically declined) and opened the shower curtain. There standing rosie cheeks and all was a dutch girl doll from IASW along with her mountain goat home boys. They were setting up suvelence equipment! I grabbed her by the pigtail and told the goats to back off. "How did you find me" I asked, "we hacked onto the internet awhile back and traced the computer signals of the main Anti-doll squadrin, we found you and a few others" she replied. I lowered her and shooed her and her goats away then locked megs doggie door,(witch I found was there way of entering the house) and went to sleep. Everbody watchout! Ozarker and Typhoon disappeared maybe one of you will be next!
dun dun duuuuuuun

Mwa hahahahahahaha {i'm not evil, really}
[email protected].

[This message has been edited by Eeyore (edited May 24, 2000).]