GO GO GO!!!!!!!!

Typhoon's shifted fires and Jeff's team is going in! GREAT JOB of including DP with the VT!!!
WOW LOOK AT THAT! The evil dolls think Jeff's one of them and is giving the Air Assult force clearence all the way in!!!

Eyore, good job on keeping the ammo flowing!

Squirrels are in! Chip and Dales becons worked great. Boy, who woulda thought that those sparkly costumes would be that flammable! Some dolls are surrendering enmass!!! Whhhoooooohoohoooo, ZAP, ouch, that hurt. One of the evil dolls was in the tree with a dart gun. I feel soooo sleeeepy.
Ummmmmmm that works.

TiggTigg5, good job of taking out the MEGA-DOLL! How did you know it was disguised as a giant Richard Simmons doll?

Yep, I think page 5 is the limit. At least we proved it could work John!!!!

The Wacky Troll King.