It's 7am, and our room over-looks a wonderful golf course and the course is full of golfers already (not overly full, but who golfs this early in the morning on vacation?)

Janet and John and Patricia and Andrew and my family are meeting for breakfast a 8am before we meet up with our favorite ride, It's a small World after all...

I'm not sure TT5 knows what he has volunteered for

My family will be splitting off from teh group after the ride, and heading over to
MGM, so Ali can ride the RnR (Mom is going to just go stand in line to buy the piture ), and then introduce Mrs. Toot to Leave it to Beaver (or cousin John meets
his cousin Ali)...

Then its on to trying to get into the hot seat, and from there, we'll decide...

Hope everyone has a wonderful great day!

We'll check in tonight..

Oh, it looks like the Digital camera did not survive its' bath --> Getting an E2 error, and then nothing... Sigh... Anyone want to tell my DH for me (I just can't seem to bring myself to tell him at the moment...)

Ali's Mom
Intercot Staff Member
[email protected]

Up Next: Shades of Green : December 2șoș1 - Nothing better than WDW at Christmas Time!

I have a dragon here, and I'm not afraid to use him...