[QUOTE=Space Mountain Man][Bold font added by me]

"As a teacher, let me flip that on it's head...why should a teacher, who cannot even think about taking a vacation during a non-vacation week, "jump through hoops" for you? I put together a package of work for a student once so he could go to the Daytona 500 and WDW. Admittedly, I was jealous, and this was a once-in-a-lifetime thing, so I was all for it. He completely blew it off, then I got blamed for his failing the quarter. If I take a single day before a vacation week, I lose a day's pay."

Ok, let me clarify since you didn't understand the statement as I said it. I was referring to the ENTIRE admin. You have to fill out paperwork afer paperwork. Like I said our kids are honor roll students we ALWAYS do work on vacation or make up the work upon our return. I don't expect any teacher to jump through any hoops for me.You seem a little bitter about not being able to take vacations also. Relax, and I am also not going to bring back a gift unless it a holiday, it really gets too expensive with all the teachers. DD 11-6th grade, DS 8-3rd grade, DD 5-Kindergarten, DD 3- pre-school. WE know our time is limited on family vacations through out the school year so I am going to go and have a great time while the kids are still little enough to enjoy it.