I voted for Tom Cruise because I think he will have the hardest time recovering what he has lost.

Britney and Lindsay aren't really on the radar of anyone much over 30. They may know the names from seeing the tabloids at the supermarket, but very few people could name a Britney song or a LiLo movie. They are marginally talented little girls who aren't making the transition to grown-up very gracefully. They are on the way down, never to return.

Right now the tabloids are having a blast with TomKatKitten. But one really has to wonder why the baby hasn't been seen in public. I've never heard that this is any Scientology belief that babies should be sequestered for a certain length of time.

It is troubling to me that (again, according to the tabloids) Katie's family has not yet seen the baby, who is now 4 months old. This is a classic tactic of a controlling abuser--deny the woman contact with "outsiders." Many abused women are cut off from their family and friends so they come to think that the life they are living is normal.

IMHO, it is just cruel to deny grandparents contact and access to a grandchild.

Whatever is happening in that household is a little sinister and scary.