Quote Originally Posted by alphamommy View Post
Let me clarify - I'm not "blaming" the Yankees for this. I agree that Boras is a media hound who timed this for himself and his client.
You're right on. That Boras announcement was completely inappropriate. Why did it have to come during a WS game? And at the end of the final game to boot! He's a real winner, that guy.
Quote Originally Posted by alphamommy View Post
Besides, the media has a love affair with all things Yankee.
This is true to an extent, although the Red Sox (deservedly so) have really stepped over the Yankees in terms of popularity in America. Go to WDW and you'll see hundreds (if not thousands) or Red Sox caps. I was amazed at how many 'fans' appeared out of the closet after they won in '04.

For the first time in recent memory, the Sox seem to have the "steady ship," while the Yankees are a team in total disarray.