Hi there, I am Heidi, and my DD9 is a stroke survivor (in-utero). She is moderately affected on her right side (her official diagnosis is right hemiplegic spastic cerebal palsy - whew, what a mouthful!) and wears an orthotic on her leg/foot. She has stamina issues (both walking and standing), and when she gets tired, she is subject to "toe-drop" and general unsteadiness - there are times during growth spurts when I think we are single-handedly supporting the bandaid industry as she is very prone to scraped knees as a result of stumbling.

We use a Maclaren special needs pushchair in the parks, and it is wonderful. She can walk, but Disney wears her out in about 30 minutes, so she uses the pushchair intermittantly.
Other stroke/CP related issues that we deal with include sensory integration and hypersensitive gag and startle reflexes.

WDW holds a special place in our hearts for many reasons, but the primary one is that every CM we meet seems to go out of there way to make DD feel special/normal all at the same time. She still loves all the princesses, but has also discovered thrill rides - she has plans to get me on RNR in a couple of weeks

This is a great addition to intercot - thanks for thinking of it!