When I read this, of course, I almost shed a tear or two. This game has basically become APART of me life. So have all of you guys, and the many other friends that I have met in the game.

Its most definitely a shame that it is closing. It is actually very hard to pull away from something that you have been doing for 3 YEARS NOW (wow, has it been THAT long?). I don't really know what I will do without VMK and all of you. Clean I guess?

If I dont get to say this before the game closes to all of you, I guess I will say this now.


You all have been extremely wonderful people, and I am so grateful for all of you. You have been nothing but the best to me, and I cant thank you enough for that. If it wasn't for all of you, I probably wouldn't still be playing VMK. You have made this some of the greatest gaming years of my life. Thank you all. You all truly mean something to me.

Gosh I feel like I am giving a graduation speech. I guess in a way it is like a graduation, except we are like 2nd grade dropouts

I will be around INTERCOT, of course, so hopefully you see some of my posts around. And, hopefully, one day or another, I will be lucky enough to bump into one of you in say, WDW or DLR.

And hey, what is going to happen to the VMK section of intercot?

Anyway, hopefully we will have a HUGE party on May 21st, so I can see your little VMK characters one more time...

If I dont see you by then, god bless
