Quote Originally Posted by CaptainJessicaSparrow View Post
Nope, making fun of any other attraction is not allowed.

We used the "If you think this was boring, well visit HoP and come back and then we'll talk." And we've gotten in trouble for it.

Or sometimes, they'll say take your time to the HM - and start spieling that attraction pre-show. Which is fine because it's not making fun of the ride.

I'm quite guilty of using the stay in school one. Frequently. Especially if there is a hold up.

My ending spiel goes sometime like this:

If you look to the docks, you'll see there is a dock to the left and a dock to the right. We call that a paradox. And if you notice there is a skipper in front, and a skipper in the back. We call them, a pair-a-dorks. If you find that when you get out, your feet are wet - guess what! You got off on the wrong side, get back in and try again. Yeah, my mom always said that if at first you don't succeed, try and try again. Yep...she's really proud....of my brothers. Kids, stay in school. Otherwise, you'll spend your entire life going around and around....every 10 minutes....for the rest of your life.

I really need to have someone film my spiel the next time I am there so I can YouTube it.
This is too funny... I heard almost every one of those a few weeks back ... ... I guess I better not say which day or who the skipper was, I wouldn't want to get them in trouble.