Quote Originally Posted by Greenlawler View Post
For the record I have not figured out the whole partial quote yet so forgive me.

I come in peace but I do take issue with two statements "Micheal Vick was mediocre at best" and "sub par player."

He was a starting quaterback in the NFL! Their are hundreds of thousands of college studs who never got a sniff in the NFL. In addition to this even the most negative of critics would be hard pressed to label him sub par. I mean the guy single handidly led the Falcons to a win in Lambeau during the playoffs. Look I am not a Vick fan, at all. But give the guy his due, their are only 32 guys in the world who can say they start on the highest level possible.

I realize you probably meant to say he was an average starter and you may have more merit there, but still I never would rate him in the bottom half of the leagues starters while he was playing. Now with the wildcat formation taking hold. well it is custom made for Vick. He will sign with a team and be there number 2 starter. While I do not want him on my team, if he does have some in the tank he would certainly be an upgrade over 90% of the leagues clipboard holders.
Okay ... I mean obviously yes ... he's got some level of talent to have played in the NFL.

But listen ... his last full season (2006) he ranked 20th in the NFL in passer rating (75.7), 22nd in passing yards (2,474), 31st in completion percentage (52.6%).

In terms of being a starting NFL quarterback ... i.e. being able to pass the ball ... he was the very definition of below average.

He could run back then and that made him (I guess) a little more valuable than just his stats, but even so ... very, very average.

My basic point was, he's not good enough (in my opinion) to bother with all the hassles he's going to cause you.