Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
You do realize that the vast majority of Americans find New York and New Yorkers really irritating, right?
look at it this way, if you only got to know us...
this irritation would grow on you, much like a fungus
And why would you find the City irritating ?

Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
I mean, this isn't a surprise to you is it?
are you sure its not Jelousy ?
I mean - people from around the world travel to NYC - for so many reasons- when you consider that we have world class theatres, museums, buisness centers, conventions, a pro sport team in just about every avenue that you could imagine (except football - they moved to NJ, except that they wanted to keep the New York name) why would you find it irritating ?
We do not go around proping NYC as the #1 tourist destination, on new years its not like there are all these camera crews or some sort of party, Its not like we host an international community like the UN, its not like we call our city - the one that never sleeps- the greatest city in all the world oh wait a minute...there I go again.

Are you sure we are irritating ?