The only way the dining plan is a 'savings' is if you would go to 1 CS restaurant, 1 TS restaurant, and one snack cart each day, making sure to order the most expensive items available and getting a drink and dessert. If you don't normally eat that way, the dining plan isn't a savings. Even free, if you can get a room only discount instead, you can still be ahead of the game, sometimes.

I am not a fan of the dining plan for my family. We are 2 adults and an 11 year old Disney adult. We are not able to eat the way we normally eat at home while on the plan, because my husband is very thrifty, and insists we get our money's worth. I like having the ability to share meals, eat bfast in our room and not have desserts or anything but water with our meals.

Lots of people swear by it, but it only works for some.