OK....I found a little more about this case....

"Groping Donald" lawsuit settled

The lawsuit filed by a Pennsylvania woman who claimed that she was sexually assaulted by a Donald Duck performer at Epcot has been settled. April Magolon sued Disney in December 2009 over the May 2008 incident, where she claimed that she was carrying one of her children and approached "Donald" for an autograph when he grabbed her breast, then made a joking gesture indicating that he had done something wrong.

Magolon's suit claimed that she had suffered "severe physical injury, emotional anguish and distress including, but not limited to post-traumatic stress disorder, muscle contraction headaches, physical harm resulting from distress, including, but not limited to acute anxiety, headaches, nausea, cold sweats, insomnia, nightmares, flashbacks, digestive problems and exacerbation of the physical injuries and other severe emotional injuries." It also claimed that she "suffered injuries of an unknown nature; she suffered severe pains, mental anxiety and anguish, and a severe shock to her entire nervous system, and other injuries the full extent of which are not yet known."

Magolon and her attorneys won a change of venue in January, when a federal judge ruled that the trial could take place in Pennsylvania. The ruling was made because traveling to Florida would be a hardship for Magolon, her fiance, and the doctors treating Magolon, who would all be testifying in the trial, and because Disney could better afford to conduct the trial in Pennsylvania than Magolon could afford to conduct it in Florida. This change of venue took the trial out of Disney's home base in Florida, where it would be more likely to prevail.

The settlement was reportedly reached last Wednesday, and her attorney filed papers seeking dismissal of the lawsuit "with prejudice." The terms, common in settlement cases, means that the plaintiff can't turn around and refile the suit again. Terms of the settlement were not released, which is common in this type of case.
Certainly clears it up for me, anyway....She got her money, agrees not to refile the claim, and goes about her merry way. Of course, she and her family are not allowed near a Disney Park for the rest of their lives, but she got her money!! (Sorry about the snarky remark! I'm just not buying into the claim.)