Disney's isn't evil when they act like a business. I understand the concept of capitalism very well. What I take issue with is the way they, and we're just talking about Disney here, seem to be "earning" their money.

And this is only one example here as well. It doesn't strike anyone else as odd, that just two days after the death of one of the world most wanted men, Disney had filed for the trademark for the military team that did it? Two days? It's taken me longer to find a guy to do my lawn, and Disney already came up with the idea, put together the paperwork and submitted it?

I've heard of striking while the iron is hot, but really...

Just one more example of following the almighty dollar. The Disney brand has taken some heat for this, and it used to be that the brand was more important.

And let's not get into Sony. They've got their own problems right now, and that too boils down to a really dumb decision that Sony didn't think through.