Quote Originally Posted by AgentC View Post
And I don't think we need more princess meet and greets but you have to admit it is pretty disjointed. You have assorted princesses meeting in Town Square Theater, Rapunzel next to City Hall, Merida in the fairy tale gardens and Ariel in Adventureland and Tiana in Liberty Square. Doesn't it make sense to have them in a central location for most of the princesses and shouldn't that location be Fantasyland?
I have made this argument (not a fighting argument, but, maybe more like a proposal argument if that makes sense) regarding these princess meet and greets... here is how I said they should do it:

Cinderella meets at Cinderella Castle

Aurora meets by one of the coves at Cinderella Castle (or aother idea was to make the Snow White ride into a Sleeping Beauty ride and add a meet and greet there, like they are doing over at Pooh)

Ariel has her own in Ariel's Grotto

Belle has her own at Maurice's Cottage/Beast's Castle

Tiana can stay at Liberty Belle (why not? The theme fits perfect with the river boat)

Rapunzel gets her meet and greet at the new Tangled theme section across from Peter Pan

Snow White can meet at the dwarfs cottage...

Am I missing anyone? Jasmin can stay in Adventureland (loose theme I know)

So, they can be spread out instead of losing a ride... I mean, I understand why they are doing it, but it is really not necessary...

And I know it is not what some would like, but my children are so excited for the Casey Jr Splash Zone. We could see them testing it last night when we rode Dumbo. After we got off , they went over and pressed their faces against the screens to watch it. They wanted to sneak in.
The pictures I have seen of the construction area make Casey Jr look pretty neat for the kids.. I'm sure the play area will be popular with the children and parents who want a break and want their kids to blow off some of that pent up energy... Should be a cute addition...