I watched it, and I enjoyed it. I actually thought they should do a show like this for a while... I like the follow-ups. I think it's interesting to see more of what life as an actual chef is like, out of the competition element. They chose 4 interesting people who are involved in completely different things- Fabio has worked his charm and made a lot of money off of endorsements to help finance his restaurant, Spike is in business with his family who obviously have some $$ doing slightly more upscale versions of standard American fare (Burgers, fries, pizza), Richard is the ethical guy who doesn't want to be a sell-out and is in the middle of getting together a new restaurant while trying to balance family life, and Jen is back at square 1 struggling to get investors for her restaurant after she parted ways with old ones. I think they are all interesting stories and so far I'm enjoying it better than Top Chef Just Desserts, at least

As for the cruise thing, I guess cruising is really popular. I always hear advertisements for cruises with sports stars, radio hosts, even Real Housewives. Hey, get it while you can I say.