Quote Originally Posted by BriarRose0708 View Post
That is fabulous advice! I try not to focus on the display but get so distracted. I should also stop setting break times like "at 2 miles I can take a break" because after I take that break I don't want to run again. Will try that on my run tonight.

It's going to be 53 and sunny(!) here on Sunday so I am really looking forward to my first outdoor run!
Running outside is so much better than the treadmill, but it's HARDER, so don't be surprised if you struggle a bit the first few outdoor runs. You use different muscles when you actually have to propel yourself forward outdoors rather than maintaining your balance on a treadmill. What I do when I am trying to increase my distance outdoors is to set a timer for HALF the total time I want to run on my phone. I run until the timer goes off, and then I turn around and go back home. Every few days, I will add 5 more minutes to the timer.