"I don't have any "magic" to offer you...just know that it DOES get better. I made it through thanks mostly to the love and support I received from my family, a few very good friends, and even some of my fellow Intercotees. The best advice I can give is to let yourself feel whatever it is you're feeling at any given moment. If you're feeling sad, then allow yourself to feel sad. If you're feeling angry, then allow yourself to feel angry. Pushing those feelings down and not acknowledging them only prolongs the process and makes it even harder. It might not seem like it now, but you will get through it and come out better in the end. It'll be hard (trust me, I know!), but you can get through this. "

Guess I am having trouble with the quotes -

This is pretty good "magic".

It's hard to feel what I need to feel somedays because of the kids. I can't feel anger or sadness when I have to be strong for them, but when I'm by myself, I can let it all go.
Thanks for caring!