This is such an example of driving anywhere in this area. I have never been so scared to drive as I am here. When you have such a huge popilation of folks from all over the PLANET driving in a small area, often for the first time, it is scary!
I have seen tourists (out of state licenses so I knew that) drive backwards on an exit ramp on I-4 because they didn't mean to take that exit!
I have seen folks stop in the traffic lane like this looking at their GPS and causing folks to slam on brakes & swerve.
Could the signage be better? Yes. But it's also just a high risk in this area (wdw and te surrounding area).

This is a tragedy indeed. Horrible. And I'm grateful there weren't more fatalities or injuries than there were. My heartfelt condolences to those involved.

And bless the ME & WDW bus drivers that deal with this traffic daily and so such a good job keeping guests safe.
Should anyone dishonestly decide to cash in on this horrible event - may God have mercy on their soul.