The ol cliché you can take the girl outt'a the streets but ya can't take the streets outt'a the girl comes to mind.

I agree that the clothes on your back does not make instill's the person in the clothes. I've seen fully dressed folks who act “classless” as well as lesser dressed who are true princes or princesses.

And I've noticed that yes SOME can pull it off...that is wear a nice pair of shorts and matching shirt with boat shoes in a more formal atmosphere. Really it’s all dependent on the rules. And if DCL decides to change the rules…hey, I’m fine with that. I don’t pack suits for vacation either. BUT I do follow the guidelines IF a place has a dress code attire. We did when we ate at PALO years ago - packed our fancier clothes. THEN found out that we were not missing anything. Personally we felt that the other restaurants on board the ships, with a no jacket rule, had such GREAT food and service that we didn’t have to repeat a more formal fancy night and HAVE to pack nicer clothes for one dinner. Yes it was a pain to do that. We also dress up for pirate night. Not I a costume but in a set of matching, DW and I, pirate shirts and shorts to match.

BUT next cruise...take a look around - ya I know you’re on vacation. But you'll notice that the folks who have the least manners and the worst behaved kids are the ones pushing the envelope of what may be considered dinner attire for the sit down restaurants. Wrinkled clothes included! Think it was bad before? Well now that the rules have been changed it will open up more interpretation of what can be worn and accepted.

No darling, those over stretched out neon green terry cloth wal-mart short shorts that you have worn for the past 3 years are not acceptable. Nor are your filthy feet Mr. I’ll just throw on my oldest man’dels and go to dinner with a stained "gym" shirt.

You wear what you want... act like you want etc. Yes you paid your way. Too obnoxious and I'll just ask to be moved. We all paid what I would consider “good” money to be on a DCL in the first place. My fun or level of enjoyment will not be compromised.

Personally, my parents raised me better to know how to act, react and dress for where I'm going. I don't wear shorts to funerals as well. BUT I'd bet some would – and make the case hey - IT'S SUMMERTIME.

Great thread…