Oh my goodness.. this would be BRILLIANT!!! We absolutely love that show. This past Halloween, DD10 was a Dalek. The costume DH made her was unbelievable. DH was the Doctor (with fez & bowtie) and I was River Song. I begged DH14 to be something from the show, but even though she's a big fan too, she had her heart set on being something else. That's the first time DH and I have dressed up to walk around with them. We have a fridge box that we made into the TARDIS and we posed for pics in front of it.

Anyway! We would love to have Doctor Who in one of the parks. After I found out about the Doctor Who Experience in Wales, I looked all over to see if there's one here and there isn't. DH10 would be in heaven if we could see something like that in WDW.