Quote Originally Posted by DizneyFreak2002 View Post
Huh? What are you talking about? The contract is public record... it is available online... Go read it... No one is playing or pretending to be contract lawyers... The contract is readily available for the public to consume... And what speculation? Why do WDW fans insist on speculating on Marvel coming to WDW when they CAN NOT use Marvel in WDW? This has been going on since Disney bought Marvel... And time and time again, WDW fans have been told to stop speculating and wishing cause it isn't happening... Not as long as Universal holds all the cards...

FACT: Universal has the theme park rights east of the Mississippi...

FACT: The contract pretty much lives forever, in perpetuity.... Unless Universal decides one day they no longer want Marvel in their parks...That day isn't happening any time soon...

FACT: Universal owns the rights to each character currently portrayed in Islands of Adventure, as well as any character in the "family" which includes villains... So, no X-Men, no Avengers, no Fantastic Four, etc...

FACT: Universal can build and expand Super Hero Island in IOA...

FACT: Disney cannot say or do anything about it... As long as Universal works within the parameters of the Marvel Universe, and portrays the characters as intended, Disney cannot say a word...

This isn't pretending to be a lawyer, this is stated fact inside the contract... The debate on which characters can be used has been waged since day one... And it changes nothing... If the character was ever associated with a character in use in IOA, that character is off limits... The gray areas can be debated... And the only gray area was Guardians of the Galaxy who have appeared with the Avengers... However, recently, that was all worked out... Disney can use Guardians in WDW, but they cannot use Marvel when promoting them...

People need to get over Marvel in WDW, it's not happening, it can't... That is fact, not speculation... and people need to stop speculating on when Marvel is going to appear in WDW, cause it can't....

Anyway, this thread is about the possible addition of something Star Wars related by the end of this year or in 2016... it will be a meet and greet, something cheap and lazy... The real meat of the Star Wars additions won't come until later, and DHS may finally be finished by 2021...
Lol, you clearly care way more about this than anyone else. Lighten up. Speculation is supposed to be fun. So what if it doesn't happen?

Btw, typing in all caps is the typed equivalent of yelling. That seems unnecessary.