Quote Originally Posted by mydisneygirls View Post
Thank you for your definition, but I know what a pub crawl is. Having had to deal with an ex who liked to drink a lot and the wrath that went with it, unfortunately my children have memories of things in life which they would prefer to forget.

Whether others like it or not, I am entitled to my opinion of the issue posted without being put down for it. And I am sure there are others who feel the same way.

Thank you.
I'm sorry about your bad experience with your ex. How truly awful for you. I also have alcoholics in my family, and I think it's important to understand that there are people who can safely have a few drinks (not a lot of drinks) and not become belligerent or very affected, and then there are people who have a disease that makes it impossible for them to drink responsibly.

You are entitled to your opinion, but it doesn't make it fact for those who can and do imbibe conscientiously. Those people do not deserve to be judged or put down, either. In no way did my response offer an insult to you. We are all entitled to express an opinion, and to ask questions on a forum without being judged. You can never assume you know someone's habits or personal situation from a simple question, as I had no idea about your sensitive background. But it doesn't change the fact that lots of people go on "pub crawls" without actually becoming drunk.