Weird.... I just called Morimoto Asia to ask about a December reservation.

She said I could make a December reservation, so I told her the date and time. She then said that I couldn't make a lunch reservation for December yet (I wanted 1:30 pm). She said I could make a dinner reservation. She suggested I make a dinner ressie, then call back after November 1st and change the time to lunch.

Then in the next sentence, she said that the restaurant doesn't open to the public until November 1st. I also heard another person in the background tell a patron that they didn't open until November 1st as well, even though their Facebook page states they opened September 30th.

So, what's the deal? Are they open or not? I also wasn't able to make a ressie for December on Open Table, either (lunch or dinner).

Sorry I seem so confused, but the person I spoke with was rather unclear and not very helpful.
