Quote Originally Posted by Loren View Post
Thank you Mike, I tried to download your app but I noticed it has a lot of privacy issues, is there a version that does not have such complete access to my phone? I am sure you mean no harm at all, I am just uncomfortable with giving apps that much access.
Hi Loren,

Thanks for the message. We didn't create the app, AppyPie did it for us and they have a very good reputation from Forbes, Inc, etc. I spoke with my our IT guy in the beginning and he didn't see anything wrong with it so we moved forward. We appreciate your concern and you can always use the tune in app to listen as well! Just with the new app, we will be offering additional stations this spring/summer that will only be available on the app. Thanks again for listening and Have a Magical Day! Here is the link to our tunein stream: http://tunein.com/station/?StationId=232029