Quote Originally Posted by DizneyFreak2002 View Post
Normal people wouldn't and shouldn't mind other peoples' criticism of Disney, or Universal, or Apple, or whatever... But the issue is, not every fan is "normal"... Some take their love of the brand too seriously... as if their life depends on the success of one brand and a failure of the other... And yes, those fans, and consumers in general, are blind... Blinded by their undying love of something... We can call these people closed minded or whatever... They are what they are... And if they cannot tolerate or handle criticism, then they have options.... They can stay out of the treads here on a discussion board, or they can block the member they don't like... Instead they choose to post nonsense, throw threads off topic, make insane rantings about competitors, try to silence those who dare not see their most beloved brand as perfect, and when things are turned on them, they whine... It isn't just here... It is less of an issue here than it is on other sites (thankfully), but it exists... Consumers are blind... We all are... It isn't bullying when someone says another is too blind to see the truth... it is a fact, a true statement... It is like that in politics, religion, finances, and yes theme park fandoms...

But anyway, back to the topic at hand, no more thread derailments!!!....
In my opinion, "normal" people don't have such a negative outlook and negative view of people who don't agree with them. I'm sure you don't agree with me seeing as we have differing views but anyway I'll just agree to disagree here and I'm done with this thread.