I just read an article that says Windows 10 will install automatic updates, with or without your permission.

We just purchased laptops (Windows 10) for my girls this Christmas because they're no longer homeschooling. One is taking classes at the state college and the other is doing online classes. My fear is that the one doing online classes will have an automatic update take place during a critical period, such as a test. So far her tests aren't timed, but what happens when they are?

My preferences are Apple products. I personally use an iMac and MacBook Pro, however, budget restraints don't allow this for everyone in the family. Nonetheless, Macs aren't perfect either. That being said, I can honestly claim I've had fewer problems with my Macs than with any Windows PC or laptop we've ever owned.

Nearly every Windows laptop we've ever owned experienced the 'blue screen of death'. It's a real phenomenon. You can google it! ;-) I'm smiling because I'd rather smile than cry.