Thanks everyone for all the input. Like I said I have barely scratched the surface for this and this week was an extra busy work week. But anywho I have done some research and know that we would like to do/see things like Pearl Harbor, Haleakala (for the sunrise), Seven Sacred Pools and perhaps the Dole Plantation.

We are a group of 4 adults (2 teens 18 & 19) and more interested in parks, historical sites and a bit of hiking. Not sure if we'd be better off doing group tours or renting a car. It's not that we aren't beach people we'd just prefer waterfalls as we feel you have something beautiful to look at and enjoy to be in. We fell in love with this idea when we went to Puerto Rico to El Yunque Rainforest.

But I will keep researching and trying to find other things that interest us. Thanks everyone...