Aw this is a GREAT thread idea!

Okay my turn.
1. I'm grateful for a great job that allows me time off whenever I want to take a trip to Disney!
2. I'm grateful for a healthy, happy family that also enjoys joining me on my Disney vacations from time to time, and doesn't get weirded out when I take off to WDW without them too!
3. I am also really grateful for all of YOU! Since I joined Intercot way back in 2002 I've met so many of you in real life and I'm so happy to call you friends! You're the first people that I don't have to explain why I'm "going back to Disney World AGAIN?!?!" and you understand all my weird Disney references and quotes. We fit together. I can't tell you how incredibly hard I laugh around my Intercot friends - they are some of the most genuine, hilarious, caring and thoughtful people, and even though we come from all walks of life I know that when we're chatting online or hanging out in real life, it's going to be a fun time. So thank you for that!