I keep reading my posts and see how disjointed they seem....Sorry! This is how my thoughts work when recalling the trip.

Thought I was going to quickly finish up with that last post, but....I'll try to close out with this one...

In our travels, we visited 4 towns/villages to visit different family members. As in previous posts, Mysore and Mangalore were the big stops. We also went to Udupi, where her younger sister and brother-in-law live and Bela, Kerala, where she was born and raised. Her eldest brother has a home in Bela, and her mother's home is 'next door' to him.

Udupi is about 1 1/2 hours north and Bela is about 1 1/2 hours south. Other than Bela, all the places we stopped are in Karnataka state.

One thing to know...When you arrive at someone's home, expect a full meal within 30 minutes of arrival! LOL I think most days I ate 4 meals, or more, just due to visiting!!!

All the homes were beautiful and the drives, when it wasn't pouring rain, were just beautiful. Lush countryside, lots of wide open spaces. Farms everywhere.

For those who might be wondering --- Yes, there are cows wandering in most suburbs and outlying areas. A few in the cities, but not that many. A lot of homes have two or more that they keep for themselves. 'Street dogs' ARE a thing, but they keep pretty much to themselves and shy away from people. There is trash in the streets, but mainly in small areas and organic in nature to feed the cows and dogs wandering around. India has started paying people to pick up trash to clean up what had been a real problem. Streetside vendors are everywhere, and you can get some really tasty treats at some of the stands. Anything from fresh coconut milk (They top the coconut and put a straw in it right there while you wait!) to something called Pani Puri, which is a savory snack. (Hard to describe, but easy to google! LOL)

There is construction around every city and larger village. They are modernizing (read "westernizing") everywhere and are very happy to see visitors from other countries...especially Americans! If you visit, you WILL be stared at! Outside of the largest cities - Mumbai, Delhi, etc. - Americans are rare.

I know I have left a lot out of this, but my mind is bouncing like a rubber ball going down a huge flight of stairs!! All I can really say is that, if you get a chance, and have someone to show you around, GO! Visit and enjoy everything India has to share. BUT, don't do it during monsoon season!! October - May is prime time to visit. March and April are best for seeing plants in flower and being dry. June - September is the monsoon season, so you can expect HEAVY rain daily, if not constantly, through that period.

Will I go back? Absolutely, if I have the chance.

Thanks for putting up with my rambling. I can answer some questions, if anyone desires, but I think I have done enough 'damage' here for now.