Because I completely dropped the ball (egg?) on planning for Easter, I was trying to figure out how I could still manage to put out a little something for the girls. I did have some Cadbury eggs, and I remembered that years ago I obsessively downloaded a bunch of those Disney 3D papercrafts. So I made Daisy holding a chocolate bunny, an Easter Bunny, an Alice in Wonderland shadowbox (Tim Burton version) and a big Alice in Wonderland (classic version) diorama egg. The big egg had a design flaw. It was missing one half of the bottom of the egg, so I had to use one of the patterns for the top piece and it turned out pretty wonky (that's my story and I'm sticking to it). But, they all made a nice little display to surprise the girls with. And, it reminded me how much I get a kick out of doing them! I made a starspeeder last night. I have 6 different ones and I'm going to make them all. Right now, I'm super grateful that I bought a pack of card printer paper and new print cartridges before all this hit! If anyone would like some of these, I can send you the pdfs. Just PM your email address to me. I have a ton of Disney characters and some non-Disney as well.