Quote Originally Posted by 1DisneyNut View Post
Sometime in May possibly June 1st. We can't expect businesses to stay closed forever and lose revenue. Everything will start going bankrupt. The Corona Virus may mutate again and we will have Covid 20 next year. It may be just as bad or not very contagious. Then again we may see another round of Covid 19 still in circulation. We really have no idea what to expect. All I do no for certain is we can't keep shutting businesses down and stopping the economy or it will spiral out of control. The virus will run it's course through the population because it is so contagious. All we are doing right now is slowing the spread down.
And that is EXACTLY why things are shut down right now. Slow the spread, take the heat off of medical facilities until a viable treatment plan can be devised. It will be more than a year until there is a vaccine, so treatment is the only, best option. Open up too soon and the cases and hospitalizations will spike and we will have to go through this all over again.