Quote Originally Posted by azcavalier View Post
I second the trip to the US Virgin Islands. We did a four day trip to St. Thomas and St. John in 2019. It was fantastic.

We don't have anything concrete planned, but as avid National Park visitors, we have a couple of trips that we are always tentatively planning:

1. Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and Glacier National Parks. Our son goes to college in eastern Idaho, and so we talk about flying out to pick him up at the end of the semester and spending a week hitting these.

2. North Dakota/South Dakota. There are a few National Parks/Monuments out there. Teddy Roosevelt National Park, Wind Cave, Mt. Rushmore. Clearly, we would need to wait until the Spring to do these. Maybe late summer or early fall.

3. Big Bend and Carlsbad Caverns National Parks. These are not really close together, but that's OK. The journey is part of the fun!

4. I always have a trip planned in my head to go to England or France or Spain. I have never been outside of North/Central America (unless Hawai'i counts?), and I want to see some castles!

5. Greece. I have a friend who passed away a few years ago from a malignant brain tumor. I had been his youth pastor at church about 15 years ago. He graduated, joined the Navy, got married/divorced, saw the world. As I visited him at Bethesda Medical Center, he told me that the islands of Greece were the most beautiful places he had ever seen, and he made me promise to go visit them for him. I must keep that promise.
I have a trip to South Dakota planned for this coming fall. I'm hoping everything will have opened by then.

I have always wanted to go to Greece. You defiinitely have a good reason to do it.