I was advised to get on as early as possible (set an alarm for 5:30 a.m.) and prioritize the most difficult to get restaurants. Be flexible with times. If all that's available is 3 p.m. then take it. Right now lots of folx are "hoarding" reservations, meaning booking several venues on the same day and then cancelling all but one in the week or days before when they decide where they actually will eat. It's not fair, but at the moment the system can't prevent it. So if what you want isn't available on your 60 day mark, keep checking back for cancellations. There is an app you can buy that is NOT official but someone wrote a program that scans the Disney system and will notify you when a cancellation comes up but it won't snag that reservation for you. You still need to log in to the system and reserve it, and there's no guarantee it will still be there by the time you log in. I don't know the name but you can Google for it. A friend used it and she had luck with it. I won't use it, it feels pretty ridiculous to me. My trips don't hang on a dining reservation, but for some people it's a priority. Good luck!