I feel your pain. We too have stopped going. It has just gotten absurd. The last time I was there, I was looking around sort of people watching. I realized that a lot of what I was seeing was young couples with small children and it was obvious most were not wealthy. Thinking about it, I came to the realization that many of these new visitors they are bringing in do not realize all that has been taken away and all the extra charges so they may be oblivious to all of that. The main thing though is they are most likely charging everything on credit cards without the cash in the bank to back it up. Rather than paying it all when they get back home, they are probably paying for these trips over years with high interest added. Financing vacations on credit cards is a very bad financial move but they are young and probably just don't know any better yet. I guess as long as Disney can keep luring those types of customers in, they will stay busy enough for a while. Typically though, the corporate greed implodes at some point.

We have started taking vacations elsewhere and seeing the world. Something it definitely out of balance when you can take 10 day + trip to Paris, and travel France and then go to London and travel England and see all the major sights for less than a trip to Disney World.