While reading today's posts I remembered something that happened on my bus coming out of Port Canaveral. I was actually shocked to be honest.
I normally check ALL mirrors when leaving the Port, including the two inside. For some reason I guess I didn't do it that day because when I got out on the highway I looked up and saw a lady standing. I said nothing figuring she must've been getting something from the overhead. I look a minute or so later and she's still standing.
Over the PA I asked her why she was standing (I did not have a full bus, there were at least 5 empty seats). She told me there were no seats.
I very politely explained to everyone on the bus that since we were not full, there should be a seat for this woman and would someone kindly remove the package from their seat.
Nobody moved I actually thought I was going to have to pull the bus off the road until someone moved their stuff!! Finally a man moved (grudgingly I might add) his bag from the seat so she could sit down. I couldn't believe I had actually seen that happen. [img]graemlins/shakehead.gif[/img]