As the day comes to an end our heros are:

TT5 - Tailing a suspicious "lineman" truck through town, determined to discover where the enemy encampment is located...

JimmyC - Trying to climb out of a pit of SNAKES into which he was mercilessly cast by a band of Egyptian dolls...

JeffH - Waiting in line at the dry cleaners to pick his Tinker Bell suit up after spilling beer on it during his recent WDW trip...

Eeyore - Trying to unlatch his school locker from the inside after being placed there by a suspicious gang of unusually "short" seniors.

Patricia - Sitting outside the school, wondering what's happened to Eeyore...

Beth - Heaving a big sigh, wondering if "Which Doll" will ever go away

Queen Maytag - digging myself out from under a huge stack of files dumped on my desk

To all a Good Night!!